Wednesday, January 23, 2008

2008 Resolution

Another year has lapsed, a new year is coming. Year 2008 is coming and it warming my heart to encourage me to take a step forward. Before that, I want to step back to review my past resolution.

- New book of journey

This is the best part of my resolution. The most wonderful day when He has made this book of journey fill with two ink. I am so thankful to Him. Rejoice in my heart.

- New Scooter Techno GT 150

I can not fulfill this one. Because the scooter is not sell in my country, and I don't have enough money either if this scooter is coming. I have to use my money for another purpose. But even I can not buy this scooter, I buy another type.

- Building my house

I don't want to fulfill this resolution, I change my mind. Because the house that I buy, is not good enough based on my criteria. So I buy another one that good enough, but it takes my money alot. Almost doubled from the first one.
What about the first one? I'm gonna sell it to the someone who love it.

- March 17-18th, Yogyakarta Touring

Travel with some of my best friend to the Yogyakarta is so amazing. I already write this one, but I can not finish it, because of one two thing that bothers me.

- Activating Jakarta-Yogyakarta Mediavisi

I have to apologize to someone who work so hard so that Mediavisi is still alive until now. I'm so sorry, I can not focusing my mind. I am disappoint you.

In 2008, I only has one resolution based on my life experiences. That is:

- Zero Accident

I had enough accident in the past, and I don't want to it happen again and again. I hate it so much. A lot of people say this and that. But I don't know which one is true and which one is not. I'm so confused.

Right now I can only blame my selves to all what happened to me. I know that He want to tell me something, but I closed my ear and closed my heart. Such a selfish man I am.

Now I want to change my self, but I can't do it alone.

"Dear Father, please put a coals in my tongue and thorn in my flesh."


  1. One thing for sure om, we are always here to support you. I also would like to say sorry, if I always bothering you with my stupid questions. Go go go 2008 go..!

  2. No problemo. Thank you so much to all of you.
