Monday, December 18, 2006

2nd Accident

Saturday, December 16th, 2006. Green EX got an accident again. Exactly before one of my biggest day in a whole life. It cession day between our family. First one is one day after the propose.

I think Father want to admonition me about a things. I keep thinking, what does He want from me. But I'm very grateful that He still love me. The proof is, I'm alright, just bruised on some parts of my leg. But Green is so bad, front parts is hardly damaged and broken.

But this is all my fault. I'm pushing my body too hard, that it can not hold up anymore. To few time to get rest and relax. Cause I must prepare all for the day on the next month. I think this is the peak time that Father want me to slow down and get back to Him. All of the preparation is almost done right now, 80% I think.

The lesson that I receive from this is, I must take more rest and calm down my mind and my heart. After the incident, I decided not to make my family and my heart to be sad because of my act. So from now on until next month I will take a bus. This is for goodness of my self and for them too. Thank for Your guidance Father, my Lord, my devotion.


  1. dari setiap kejadian pasti ada yg ingin disampaikan olehNya yah, biar kita tetap ingat siapa kita.

    hati-hati mengemudi.

  2. Iya betul om, memang ada sesuatu yang ingin Dia sampaikan. Yah mungkin itu adalah cara yang terbaik buat ingetin saya.

    Thx om

  3. Andri, I am shocked to hear that you had another accident. Please, while you're close to your most precious moments take good care of yourself and most importantly do not forget to pray to the LORD everytime you starts to do something !!
    And concentrate on what your doing.
    I do hope you'll be okay.
    C U soon again ....... Opa Albert.

  4. Thank you Opa. Yes, I will do as you said. This accident because I'm so careless, not letting my body to take a good rest. Phew, may be after the day has past, I will be as usual opa, relax riding. Now, there is so much thing to think and consider. Act must be take as fast as We can, that make me distress.

    I'm glad that all of my friend had support me. We will meet soon opa, but may be after the day has passed. GBU opa.
