Thursday, October 05, 2006

Buying My Scooter

Saturday we go to Kymco, and order our scooter. After picking the color, we sign some paper.

And they told us that the leaser will come to survey to my home, and I said OK for that.

This day, the leaser call me, and he wanted both of my parent sign some paper too. And I think this is so complicated, because I have to contact my dad to come home as soon as possible and so am I.

I'm the one who'd liked to buy a scooter, and why do they want my parent sign that paper too? Do they don't trust me, or that is just their SOP. I don't know, but it make me confuse.

The leaser come to my office to interview me, but it doesn't make me comfortable, because he interviewed me in the street.

Now, I'm waiting the approval for my scooter. If they agree, then Kymco will deliver the scooter tomorrow to my home.

I'm so nervous waiting for tomorrow.

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